upcoming events

7th August 2024

Joy Cann 5


1st September 2024

Rotherby 8


29th September 2024

Markfield 10km

LRRL #10

6th October 2024

Dovedale Dash

Pre-enter using the online entry in the link


contact us

Our main training base and contact address is:

82 Bull Head Street, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1PA

Club Contacts:

Club Secretary

Mick Jordan - jordanmike649@gmail.com

Club Chairman

Clive Jones - cjonez@talktalk.net

Club Treasurer

Cheryl Bayliss - wigstonphoenixtreasurer@gmail.com

Ladies Team Captain

Sarah Odom - sarah.odom3@hotmail.com

Mens Team Captain

Andy Meeks - am33ks@hotmail.com

New Member Liaison Officer


Web Design

Mark Thompson - mark@mjtcreative.co.uk